COVID-19 Protocols
Pandas Volleyball Club COVID Protocols
The Pandas Volleyball Club will follow guidance from the University of Alberta, Alberta Health Services, and Volleyball Alberta for our protocols.
Athletes of all ages are required to wear a mask to and from their assigned court(s), but will not be required to wear a mask during activity while in in any Pandas Volleyball Club programs, coaches will remain wearing masks throughout the sessions.
The Pandas Volleyball Club will be adhering to University of Alberta protocols regarding vaccinations.
To help support the safety of our community, visitors coming to U of A campuses are required to be fully vaccinated or have a valid exemption and should be prepared to show their proof of vaccination or exemption upon request.
Any visitor who cannot present confirmation of their vaccination or exemption status along with a negative COVID-19 test result is not permitted on U of A campuses or properties.
Mask Requirements
As per the University of Alberta directive, the university requires that all faculty, staff, students and visitors to all U of A campuses wear non-medical face masks (masks) at all times in all university indoor common-use spaces — on its property, vehicles and leased spaces. This includes classrooms, labs, common areas in residences, libraries and meeting rooms. It is deemed an additional and prudent measure, wherever practical, to maintain previously established mask requirements given the Delta variant and desire to reduce the risk of aerosol transmission.
Masks are not a substitute for physical distancing; they are to be used in combination with physical distancing and other safety measures.
Participant Requirements
Change and use the toilet at home prior to attending a volleyball session. Participants are encouraged to strictly follow all Public Health hygiene rules and general recommendations. For more info on daily prevention of transmission visit COVID-19 Info for Albertans.
2. Athletes/parents must read the Volleyball Alberta Return to Volleyball document and the Alberta Relaunch Stage 2 for Sport document.
3. Parents must complete online waiver form.
4. Athletes must not carpool to or from site with those they do not reside with.
5. Wash or sanitize hands before, during and after each volleyball session.
6. Spectating is not allowed.
7. Arrival to the training session must be no sooner than 5 minutes prior to start time.
8. Departure from the training session must be no later than 5 minutes from the finishing time.
9. All athletes must arrive with their own labelled water bottles, towels, hand sanitizer and other needed equipment. No sharing of personal items will be allowed.
10. Athletes must complete the Green and Gold screening protocol conducted by the staff.
11. Athletes must ensure that there is a 3m spacing between their belongings and others from the program.
12. Snacking during training is discouraged however if it is necessary the participants must sanitize their hands before and after. No sharing of snacks will be allowed.
13. Athletes must wear masks to enter and exit the facility and physically distance whenever possible.
14. Participants will avoid touching their face and should cough or sneeze into their elbow.
15. An attendance log will be kept for each session recording athlete name and contact information as well as the name and contact information of anyone who dropped the athlete off and/or picked the athlete up. This will be done to help in contact tracing in the event that a participant becomes symptomatic.
16. Individuals who are not compliant with the above protocols will not be allowed to participate and will be asked to leave.
Staff Requirements
Staff members will conduct a self-assessment before each training session.
2. Staff will follow all Public Health hygiene rules and general recommendations.
3. Staff will adhere to the Return to Volleyball guidelines on the Volleyball Alberta site.
4. A staff member will be onsite to educate and monitor member behaviours and to conduct member screening.
5. Staff will sanitize hands before, during and after each volleyball session.
6. Staff will physically distance themselves from athletes and other staff during sessions.
7. Staff will wear non-medical masks during training and use electronic whistles.
8. Staff will thoroughly clean common areas used by the camp before, during and after the sessions (i.e., balls, volleyball equipment, etc.).
9. Staff will use disinfectant to clean balls before, during and after the session
10. Staff will keep a log of camp participants as well as any attendees who remain in the vicinity for longer than 15 minutes in case contact tracing is needed.
11. In the event of injury, staff will wear latex gloves while the treated athlete must wear a mask.
Rapid Response Plan
1. If a participant or coach becomes symptomatic during a session, they will need to sanitize their hands and put on a face mask (provided by the staff).
2. The session will pause, that member will be distanced from the group and will need to make arrangements to return home.
3. The symptomatic member must avoid contacting any surfaces or equipment while removing themselves from the training area.
4. All other participants and staff of the program will be immediately required to sanitize their hands.
5. All equipment and high touch zones will be immediately sanitized.
6. All participants and staff of that session will be asked to consult and abide by AHS regulations regarding being exposed to someone who is symptomatic.
Injury Plan
Injured athletes will wear a mask and the coach attending to the athlete will wear gloves.
The coach will make a decision in consultation with the athlete whether they can continue in the training that day.
If the athlete needs to leave the camp, they will wait on the outer perimeter of the facility to be picked up and will be referred to an appropriate service provider.